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James Franco talks to GQ about being jack of all trades…

James Franco discusses his many occupations in the latest issue of GQ!

James Franco – who is GQ’s November cover star - definitely has plenty of strings to his bow. Of course you’ll know him as an actor, but what you may not know is that he’s also a PhD student, a screen writer, a director and a teacher. And we’re probably missing something out!

Speaking with GQ, it becomes apparent that Franco can be machine-like when it comes to getting things done. When asked when finds time to socialize he replies: “Well, I mean, as far as my social life, I’ve learned to work with the people that I love, so…” Effectively, he has combined work and social time into one slot.

“Yeah. I mean, I enjoy working creatively with people, much more than getting wasted with them [Franco doesn’t drink]. I guess I just used those hours at the bar to do other things.” Fair enough.

Franco recalls two times when he’s decided he had to change his life, the first was when he was at high school and decided to take an after school art class – which he got obsessive about. “I’d just do it as much as I could,” he tells the magazine. “I’d do it from 3pm to 10pm every day. It really showed me. If you really want to do something, you can just throw yourself into it.”

The second was when he had filmed Spider-Man 2 and Tristan and Isolde and began to get a little disillusioned with acting. “I was grateful it, but I realized acting wasn’t going to let me do all the things I wanted to do.” So he went back to school, “and then eventually studied writing seriously”. Then film school, “and studied that seriously”. The art school, “and did that seriously too.” And so on.

Read the full interview in the November issue of GQ.

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Posted by Donnie Bachan.

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