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GQ launches iPhone app

Men's magazine GQ has launched a new iPhone app to grant its readers a new way to access the publication's content.

Category: GQ magazine subscription

GQ magazine subscription holders with an iPhone can now access the publication's content on their handheld devices.

According to the Independent, the men's magazine has released a new application just in time for its February issue, which features a look at the most stylish men on earth.

The UK version of the magazine awarded first place to Twilight star Robert Pattinson, who beat fashion luminaries Johnny Depp and David Beckham to first place.

The star also placed higher than his on-screen rival Taylor Lautner, who also made the list after his performances in the first two instalments of the vampire and werewolf flicks.

Those with an iPhone can get the GQ magazine application for $2.99 (£1.84) and will also be able to get access to the Victoria's Secret fashion shoot, a guide to St Valentine's Day and a suit special.

Other stylish men who made the well-dressed list include Jude Law, Alex Turner and David Cameron.

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