If you're hunting for property abroad and you've got A Place in the Sun magazine subscription, you can read all about the houses on offer in Spain.
The new issue of the publication has a feature giving you advice on how to get your hands on a bank-owned bargain property in the sunny country.
Also in A Place in the Sun magazine, you can check out the properties available for just £128,000 on Spanish-owned Canary Island Lanzarote.
The publication has other property features to help you find your perfect holiday home, including a look at Hurghada, Egypt, to see how people are coping in the aftermath of President Mubarak relinquishing power following riots earlier this year.
In the latest issue of A Place in the Sun magazine, there is also a look at further afield property, with a report on Florida.
A Place in the Sun magazine has a round-up of all the zoning laws in the area, as well as advice about the local lettings and rental market.
Subscribe and save on A Place in the Sun magazine subscription today.
Posted by Ben Broadhurst