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Patsy Kensit shows off her new body thanks to Weight Watchers

Patsy Kensit shows off her svelte sigure after following the Weight Watchers Pro Points plan.

Patsy Kensit has been battling the bulge for a while now and last month she was announced as the UK face of Weight Watchers (Jessica Simpson is the US ambassador) and we’re sure those of you with a Weight Watchers magazine subscription will be keen to see how she’s been getting on.

She’s been following the plan since August and has now lost a stone, making her the lightest she’s been since before she was 30.

Speaking about the Pro Points plan, she says: “I have struggled with my weight for the last 14 years and tried every fad diet there is. Weight Watchers is the only thing that works and I feel better than ever. I’ve got my sparkle back!”

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Posted by Amy Power.

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