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Clash magazine talks to Vampire Weekend

Clash magazine has spoken to Vampire Weekend following the release of their second album.

Category: Clash magazine subscription

Clash magazine subscription holders can this month read about the triumphant return of Vampire Weekend.

The band announced its arrival on the music scene in 2008 with its self-titled debut album and has been busy in the intervening year or so recording a follow up.

The boys explained to Clash how their early success has helped them "expand their worldly vision".

Furthermore, readers can get the Class Essential 15 top tunes of the month and have a scan through chats with Four Tet and Owen Pallett of Final Fantasy.

Meanwhile, a feature on Hard Wax 20 record store looks at the possibility of it influencing the "sound of a continent".

Readers can also take a peek at the magazine's hot tips for stardom this year in Ones To Watch 2010, with information on how to hear tracks from the suggested artists.

Vampire Weekend launched their stardom with the popular track A-Punk and have recently released their second album Contra.

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