Have a day trip to a local museum, aquarium or zoo - The beauty of science is that it’s everywhere, particularly in the natural world. So, discover an invention, marvel at a jellyfish and listen to a lion roar.
Try an experiment at home - Make bubbles, line up dominoes or even create some slime. It’s all science!
Get science delivered to your door - The Jumbo Curiosity Box is like a super cool science club in a box. Themes include BANG!, atomic, ultimate survival, seaside science and cells, are all neatly packaged and delivered to your little learner in the shape of fun science experiments. All from just £19.57 per month!
Discover a science hero – Isaac Newton, Marie Curie and Thomas Edison are just a few of the scientific pioneers who have helped humanity reach these giddy heights of sophistication, but there are many more waiting to be discovered.